...é o refrão de uma música que marcou o início de minha adolescência. Em meio a tanto Nirvana e Guns and Roses, este hit "chicleteiro" foi regravado para a trilha sonora do filme Vem Dançar Comigo no início dos anos 90 e entrou facilmente no TOP 10 brasileiro. O clip, presença garantida no antigo e saudoso programa "Clip Trip" da TV Gazeta (hoje CNT), impregnava a cabeça de todos os adolescentes e pré adolescentes que se rebelavam curtindo seus clips musicais no últimos volume pouco antes da hora do almoço. E eu, no auge dos meus 13 anos de idade, não era diferente.... Naquela época, a MTV vivia sua "era de ouro" e era privilégio de quem possuía uma boa antena UHF, mas isso é assunto pra outro post. rsrs
Além do rock, os quadrinhos já faziam parte do minha vida. Entre tantos heróis mascarados vestindo a cueca por cima das calças que invadiam as bancas de jornal, as graphic novels "O edifício" e "No coração da Tempestade" de um certo Will Eisner passariam pelo meu radar e turbinariam este "namoro" que já dura há décadas.
Mas, saltemos no tempo para Junho de 2010. Embalado pelo dia dos namorados, acabei fazendo este sketch de dois jovens se beijando próximos a um bebedouro, no que parece ser um escritório.
Não é nenhuma Monalisa, mas a facilidade com que a imagem surgiu em minha mente, o grau de detalhamento... foi fantástico!
O mês passou, e acabei não postando, pois queria guardar pra uma oportunidade romântica. Ficou lá no sketchpad, adormecendo... e tempos depois, consultando o livro Anatomia Expressiva do mestre Will Eisner para algum projeto novo, quando me deparei com um desenho lindo, de um casal se beijando... próximos a um bebedouro... no que parece ser um escritório! Minha criação tinha outro pai! rsrs
Provavelmente ficara na minha memória, pois sempre que posso fico admirando os trabalhos de Eisner. Mas o que me deixou mais assustado, foi o fato de não ter percebido de imediato.
Não era só a idéia, mas lay out, tudo! Não pude deixar de me questionar nos dias seguintes, quanta influência uma imagem pode causar em nossas criações, em nossas vidas!?!
Enfim, resolvi me render e caprichar ainda mais no sketch, que virou um desenho-quase-acabado e o dediquei ao grande Will que em muito contribuiu para minha paixão pelos quadrinhos e pelo design. Não poderia ir além deste estágio, pois deixaria de ser um sketch e portanto não caberia mais neste blog.
Ainda não encontrei o desenho original na net, talvez por ser de um livro relativamente novo. Mas assim que o encontrar, colocarei o link aqui, para que tirem suas conclusões.
Fiz de tudo para que a imagem não se tornasse um clone do "Beijo" de Gustav Klint, e no fim acabei clonando o "Beijo" de Will Eisner...
E se você está pensando que desisti de esperar um momento romântico para postar o desenho, está redondamente enganado, pois no último dia 3 de janeiro (dia em que comecei a escrever este post) completaram-se 5 anos de falecimento do velho Mestre (e meu maior ídolo nos quadrinhos) e no dia 6 completei 5 anos e meio de namoro. Sem dúvidas duas datas marcantes e que mereciam minha sincera homenagem.
[e não esqueça de clicar na imagem, para vê-la maior!] /////// english version ///////
... is the chorus of a song that marked the beginning of my adolescence. Between Nirvana and Guns and Roses, this "bubble gum hit" was re-recorded for the soundtrack of the film Strictly Ballroom in the early 90s and came easily in the TOP 10 Brazilian. The clip, always presented on the old program "Clip Trip" TV Gazeta (today CNT) filled the head of all teens and pre teens who rebelled themselves enjoying their music videos in the last volume shortly before lunchtime. And I, at the top of my 13 years old, was no different .... At that time, MTV was living its "golden age" and was a privilege of those who had a good UHF antenna, but this is subject for another post. lol
Besides rock, the comics were already part of my life. Among the many masked heroes wearing underpants over their pants that invaded the newsstands, the graphic novels "The building"and "To the Heart of the Storm" of a certain Will Eisner would "bip" my radar and boosting a "dating" that lasts decades.
But let's travel to June 2010. Thinking at the Valentine's Day in Brazil, I made this sketch of two youngs kissing each other next to a watering hole in what appears to be an office.
It's no longer a "Gioconda", but the ease with which the image came into my mind, the degree of details ... it was fantastic!
But let's travel to June 2010. Thinking at the Valentine's Day in Brazil, I made this sketch of two youngs kissing each other next to a watering hole in what appears to be an office.
It's no longer a "Gioconda", but the ease with which the image came into my mind, the degree of details ... it was fantastic!
The months passed, and I ended up not posting because I wanted to save it for a romantic opportunity. It stayed there in the sketchpad, sleeping ... and some time later, researching the Eisner book's "Expressive Anatomy" for some new design, I came across a beautiful drawing of a couple kissing ... near a watering hole ... in what looks like an office! My creation had another father! lol
Probably remained in my memory, because whenever I can I'm admiring the work of Eisner. But what scared me most was the fact of not having noted it immediately.
Not only was the idea, but the lay out, everything! I could not avoid questioning myself in the following days, how much influence can cause an image in our creations, in our lives!?!
So I decided to do not take it so seriously and to sketch it even better and turned into an almost-finished-drawing and dedicate it to the great Will that highly contributed to my passion for comics and design. I could not go beyond this stage, because it'll no longer be a sketch anymore and therefore would not fit in this blog's purpose.
Probably remained in my memory, because whenever I can I'm admiring the work of Eisner. But what scared me most was the fact of not having noted it immediately.
Not only was the idea, but the lay out, everything! I could not avoid questioning myself in the following days, how much influence can cause an image in our creations, in our lives!?!
So I decided to do not take it so seriously and to sketch it even better and turned into an almost-finished-drawing and dedicate it to the great Will that highly contributed to my passion for comics and design. I could not go beyond this stage, because it'll no longer be a sketch anymore and therefore would not fit in this blog's purpose.
I have not found the original illustration on the web, perhaps because it is from a relatively new book. But once I find it, I'll put the link here, so you can draw your own conclusions.
I tried so hard to not create a clone of "the kiss" by Gustav Klint, and eventually ended up cloning "the kiss" by Will Eisner ...
And if you think I gave up waiting a romantic moment to post the drawing, are sadly mistaken, because on 3rd January (day I started writing this post) were completed five years of the death of old master (and my biggest idol in the comics) and on 6th January I completed 5 ½ years of dating with my girlfriend. Undoubtedly two landmark dates that deserve my heartfelt tribute.
[and don't forget to click on the image to see it full size!]
I tried so hard to not create a clone of "the kiss" by Gustav Klint, and eventually ended up cloning "the kiss" by Will Eisner ...
And if you think I gave up waiting a romantic moment to post the drawing, are sadly mistaken, because on 3rd January (day I started writing this post) were completed five years of the death of old master (and my biggest idol in the comics) and on 6th January I completed 5 ½ years of dating with my girlfriend. Undoubtedly two landmark dates that deserve my heartfelt tribute.
[and don't forget to click on the image to see it full size!]
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